335 Gaelic Way
Before we started on the back porch

Leaking chimney pan
Before the leak was found

Before demo
Notice that the old patio roof was nailed directly to the vinyl siding

Before paint
The previous homeowner painted the gas water heater exhaust

Before paint
The previous home owner painted the gas furnace exhaust white

Old pipe boot
Here is 1 of 6 old pipe boots that was not replaced when the roof was replaced. The installation company used silicone and paint just to save a couple of dollars.

After demo
Here we have removed the old porch ceiling. Added house wrap and we are beginning to install new flashing and siding.

New flashing
Here we are installing new flashing at the base of the chimney. So that wind driven rain won't be able to get into the house and cause anymore damage.

Fire place flashing
We installed new flashing for the base of the chimney. This will keep wind driven rain out of the house.

We installed 12" X 12" flashing for the outside corner post for extra added protection against any future leaks for the new homeowner.

Starting the new siding. Alside conquest 4.5 Dutch lap.
Installing the new siding

New Alside Conquest double 4.5 dutchlap.
The installation of the new siding is complete.

Installed siding complete
The new siding has been installed

Finished look
The leaks have been repaired and the new siding has been installed. And the exhaust pipes have been painted a flat black using a high temp paint.