Old press board
Old press board

Old Press Board
Old press board

Old press board
Old press board

Old press board
Old press board

Tear off complete
Tear off

Tear off complete
Tear off complete

Tear off
Tear off

Tear off
Tear off

Tear off
Tear off.

Tear off
Tear off

Tear off
Tear off

Tear off
Tear off

Vapor Barrier
Vapor barrier

Vapor barrier
Vapor barrier

New siding
New siding

New siding
New siding

Siding and soffit
Siding and soffit

Install day
Install day

Install day
Install day

Install day
Install day

Install day
Install day

Install day
Install day

Install day
Install day

Putting the last coat of paint

Putting on the last coat of paint

Putting on the last coat of paint

Putting on the last coat of paint

Putting on the last coat of paint